 Pittsburg, Kansas | Yes my eye doctor (he is a surgen) discussed those possibilities with me for the future. I have the beginnings of cataracs and he said the surgery would be something to consider should my cataracs get bad enough for lens replacement.
My eye pressures are running 16 now which he is fine with.
There are some people (me) that have a thicker than normal cornea. When they test the pressure a little probe presses against the cornea. The harder the push, the higher internal pressure. People with thicker corneas the cornea itself makes the probe harder to push. Thus giving a higher reading than what the internal pressure of the eye actually is.
I was started on one type of drops probably 20-25 years ago. Then I went to this specialist who kept me on them for a while with the 20 reading. They take pictures of the inside of my eye every year, have for many years. He (though he does not remember, but he was the one) eventually decided I had thicken cornea and the 20 was an artificial readin. So took me off the drops.
Then I did not go back to him for two or three years. My bad. But nothing had ever changed. I had a "suspicious" optic nerve but never changed and never a problem. But when I did eventually make a appointment (suggested by my local eye guy because my glasses prescripion changed so much in my left eye) they did a vision fields test and I had glaucoma damage in my left eye. So he put me back on the drops and then the next visit another set of drops (now morning and night). That has been probably 5 years ago now and so far no further degridation. In fact he seemed kind of surprised at slight improvement in the glaucoma eye. I would put that on vision feild test error rather than actual improvement. Glaucoma is never supposed to get better (kind of like diabetes is a progressive non curable disease, LOL - I have reversed mine!). The testing method is flaky at best as far as I am concerned. But whatever. I will take it over further degridation.
My eye doctor is a very well reguarded eye surgeon in the area. I use a different one sometimes to get just glasses prescription. I forget the different titles. But the one that just does glasses (and does not tread disease), I see both sometimes. The surgeon twice a year, which is what insurance will pay.
Edited by John Burns 12/12/2024 07:48
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