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Xag p150
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Posted 12/4/2024 06:38 (#10994758 - in reply to #10989769)
Subject: RE: Xag p150

Southern Missouri
We ran p100 pro to death this season, had t40 all season 2023 ,very happy with results and batteries were usually around 40 percent charge when back on trailer after spraying out the 13.2 gallon tank ,so maybe on the bigger tank ,lot would depend on the same things as always ,return distance,obstacles etc , we sold the 100 pro to a neighbor and going to the 150 pro for next year with the 18 gallon tank ( when people talk in liters I have to have them convert for me) they are also telling us 40 mph spray speed is possibility on the 150, we already used a pretty narrow swath with the pro 100 and have always felt the faster you carry the rotary nozzles through the field the narrower you need to make swaths , drone streaking is the worst thing we fight with drone spraying, believe me it shows up good to any ag pilots , they will point it out to farmers and I don’t blame them , been over and over around here of people getting a new t40 and their sales people telling them they can go 32 foot swath ,was more problem with t50s in 2024 and had exact same crazy ideas of using 32 ft swath, lots of rice and soybean desiccation and cotton defoliation done in our area and your streaking passes will show up like a cut off leg ( not just a sore thumb ) in 24 hours with desiccation, we’re going to start out at a 19 foot swath if we do the 40 mph speed with the p150 , for us it’s been a never ending deal on getting rid of streaks , didn’t matter the brand of drone , the ag pilots don’t care either, people spraying with drones in areas where they only do fungicides have no idea how lucky they are , green to brown spraying is at least half our spraying time and brother it will make you get rid of streaking
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