KY | Have of the blink XT2's around the place. When they work, they're pretty good. My biggest gripe is that they don't pick up on passing vehicles very well. Our driveway is a 90* off of our farm road. I have a camera on the mailbox post to watch the road, have had it on the opposite side at a little more aggressive angle before just trying to get them to pick up. I would say it picks up 2 out of 5 times. It gets our mail lady every day, but only because she drives past it, stops, backs into the driveway to turn around and then stops to put the mail in the box. I can drive by it at 20 MPH in a pickup or car and most likely not going to get picked up. It has missed our trash truck (full size 3-yard dumpster capable) backing by it at 3-5 MPH multiple times, but our doorbell camera spots that at ~ 80 feet away. The doorbell camera will also pick up on me coming and going with a decent sized tractor, but not vehicles. Every rare once in awhile it'll pick up on a pickup. (Just saying this to show that the XT2 camera motion detection is not the best). The doorbell picks up on things I wouldn't expect it to, and the XT2's miss a lot. We have one on our covered back deck that covers the back door and the garage entry, Sometimes it'll miss a person but it'll go off 30 times a day for a wasp buzzing in front of it, no matter how much I play with the sensitivity. (It'll always get the wasp, but just pick up less and less on people if I turn up the sensitivity.) They're handy as can be for checking in on things when you're away, just to see a live view and confirm nothing is missing or something like that, but I don't rely on them to let me know when someone is around that shouldn't be. If you do catch a vehicle, the quality isn't good enough to make out a plate in the daylight, and forget it at night with the IR flash it just whites everything out. (Don't know that any of them are really good for that at night though.) My next set will probably be something wired, as when these do does pick up, if someone is up to no good it's going to cut off at 60 seconds max. |