The Internet | 406 - 11/10/2024 21:19 The Pretender - 11/10/2024 12:11 They really do attract a certain type, male, tattoos, facial hair and a more robust attitude to the Road Traffic Act. May we be blessed with only identity confused, smooth skinned, passive, completely uninspired whiner soyboys with whom to share this world. *** I had a run in with one of the local "businessmen" that drives one of these when I was on my bicycle coming home from work. The bike is the best tool for the job. He was giving it large, the big, fat, ginger waste of oxygen. The thing he hadn't banked on was A), I;m quite good at remembering vehicles, and B) my tractor ius way bigger than his pickup, which he discovered when I met him when I was moving the drill to the next field and forced him into the ditch. Oddly enough, I've not had any trouble with him since. Funny that... |