Vauxhall Alberta Canada | Moisture was 14%, and other than dirt no trash at all. As far as trying to put too much thru the machine I have the feeder house set on low speed and it has had no mods done to it. Would think if there was too much material going in it would give me issues in the feeder house. The beans were dead ripe but had some regrowth in them due to the rain that shut us down for 3 weeks. They were windrowed about a week before trying them and the vines were good and dry. I would guess that splits were about 20%. And that was with the rotor slowed down to 180, at 240 it was more like 25% damaged. Not sure what the yield is but not good as it was way to hot during flowering and lots of pods have only 1 or 2 seeds in them. Would guess this field at about 2500lbs per acre. I am convinced that there is something wrong with my setup but just not sure what. If the combine starts to bog down and I stop and shut off the feeder house it still takes a good 10 seconds or so for material to stop coming out of the discharge. That along with the excessive wear on the helicals leads me to believe that the vines are just going around with the rotor instead of being moved along by the helicals. I am thinking of removing the steep pitch helicals from the separator end and going back to the standard ones but not sure how to transition from one to the other. And not sure if that would even make a difference. Seriously considering going to a Pickett but not quite ready to give up on this machine yet. | |