Pittsburg, Kansas | Tire 1 and 2 drugs $0 copay if by mail. $5 and 10 if retail respectively. That may actually better than it was. Seems like we paid a tiny copay (edit: but we buy retail rather than by mail so that may actually be up a few bucks higher). These are basically generic or off patent drugs. tier 3 $47 a month (cheaper if 3 months at a time) tier4 $100 tier 5 33% of cost as a copay. (those can get bankruptcy expensive)
If there is a difference than before it is not much. We don't use many drugs at all. Wife has thyroid medicine that is cheap. She used a higher priced natural one for a while that had a copay more but saw no difference so changed back to the cheap stuff. I have a couple different eyedrops for glaucoma. It would not pay for us to be on a supplemental drug plan even if we were on regular Medicare. Of course that could change in a literal heartbeat.
Back before going low carb style eating and on insulin plus a half dozen pills and numerous other medical problems I might have had a different opinion. Health improvements through lifestyle changes rather than treatments by and from the medical profession are the best option (and most economical), in my non-medical and non-accountant opinion.
Thanks for peaking my interest and kind of forcing me to look at something I really don't like to spend time on. But something I need to do anyway.
Edited by John Burns 10/8/2024 22:33