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How much in the bin?
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Posted 10/8/2024 13:52 (#10919394 - in reply to #10918969)
Subject: RE: you don't have any bins or you don't farm "farmville"

Sioux County, NWIA
piperfarmer - 10/8/2024 06:38

Farmville - 10/7/2024 20:48

Hahaha. Feels like a loaded question. A bin is a volume and a bushel is a volume no matter what is in that bushel. So it's the same number of bushels.

Which weighs more...a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

If you think what you just typed above

The “bushel” has been redefined or corrupted how ever you wish to see it from a unit of volume to a unit of weight. If today you sell a bushel of corn you are not selling X cubic inches of volume, you are selling a 56 lb unit.

For all that Europe can the pinnacle of overcomplexity, they have at least gone to measuring crop by weight directly.
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