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The Cow Guy Close discusses the addition of 800,000 government jobs to report.. “an election to buy.
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Posted 10/7/2024 11:00 (#10918154 - in reply to #10918129)
Subject: RE: The Cow Guy Close discusses the addition of 800,000 government jobs to report.. “an election to

Are you talking to these orgs yourself or finding their reports online? I am asking because besides locals there are reports from various orgs and police online that are reporting a lot of issues with FEMA hindering the much needed aid the victims are in dire need of.

And I am arguing back because the experts and the gov orgs have proven to be very capable of being the ones spreading misinformation while being responsible, but almost never accepting any responsibility, as much if not more than anyone else lately.

Edited by havin’funfarming 10/7/2024 11:05
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