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Net loss for 2024?
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Posted 10/6/2024 11:02 (#10917037)
Subject: Net loss for 2024?

west central ohio
How many are looking at a net loss this year? After cutting 80% of the beans and running the numbers with current market prices, I am figuring on a net loss to just breaking even for 2024. I did a couple rounds in the corn , and figure it not being too hot either. Beans ran from 42 bu to 59 bu....Not exactly a record by any stretch, and the Pro farmer crop tour couldnt have steered the market in a more wrong direction. Yes things did look pretty good around July, but that was the beginning of the end. It is too early to say what my corn is going to do, but with the market in the toilet, im guessing its not going to generate much if any profit. I probably marketed about as poorly as one could, as I didnt presell anything, and I dont currently have on farm storage. But the Drop fees and storage charges have never been this terrible. Never have we had a $0.40 drop fee... Does anyone see a positive market turn in the future, as cost of production is currently higher than returns. I do own my mistakes in this, and will do better in the future, but If I had an endless checkbook , on farm storage wouldnt be an issue. Thanks for listening to me rant.
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