Fontanelle, IA | agriducks - 10/6/2024 06:12
I borrowed an 8 row head with a reel to get our mess picked up off the ground. I know per acre isn't fair as I am running 1.7 mph only one direction. What normally takes us a few hours is going to be 5 days! I figured if I add up the hours on it and estimate how many acres of good standing corn I could have picked in that length of time I could pay that acre rate.
What is average per acre rent for a corn head?
Any input would be appreciated!
I don’t know if there is an “average rate” that would “apply” to a great neighbor that let me borrow his cornhead with reel to pick up my down corn.
Both his head and your mule will take a lot of extra wear and tear from the dirt and wet soppy fodder.
EDIT: I think I see how you are figuring the rent baseline and then adjusting for acres you would have run in good conditions over the same period you are picking up down corn and paying that. If so, good on you Sir!
Edited by Baby Robin 10/6/2024 08:05