Nw Iowa | 1% on a 65000 bu bin of beans is about 700 bu of beans with 1.12 shrink per point. 700x $11 equals $7700. If electricity is $2000, you can still get a return on investment plus you have all the temp and moisture cables in the bin to monitor crop all year. They also have a yearly fee so have to add that in there. What would work best would be to have a large fan on say a 25000 bu bin, fill it with wet beans, dry them to 13%, empty and refill with dry ones and rewet. You can dry corn cheaper with a good efficient dryer and do it much faster. The system is only as good as your weather. This year would be much easier to dry beans than rewet them so far. As I said if you go from dry to freezing, you aren’t going to rewet much until spring.
I agree thought that intellifarm’s system whoever is selling it now is overpriced compared to other options out there. I would not buy again without doing a lot of shopping
Edited by jdironman 10/5/2024 21:57
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