| That is absolutely true. We don’t realize it but we are one step away from not even having to be in the fields. Drone spraying technology is rapidly improving and I suspect it will be the first operation to truly remove the farmer from the field. Right now a human still has to swap batteries and fill them but that could easily be automated also and allow an “operator” to just sit in an air conditioned portable office, though likely always at a nearby portable filling site, and only need to intervene if an issue develops.
That very conversation came up in the last year actually when we were considering whether to upgrade our sprayer or keep our old Rogator and get a couple of drones instead.
The conclusion was reached that drone technology was rapidly improving and the coverage issues haven’t all been worked out yet but that they likely will in the relatively near future. But another deciding factor was that it would be an exhausting day standing out in the heat and bugs all day tending to drones compared to relaxing in a nice air conditioned cab. In the end I made the executive decision to err on the side of laziness and comfort. | |