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Fall oats How to use them
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Posted 10/3/2024 16:33 (#10913850)
Subject: Fall oats How to use them

I planted oats and radishes as a cover crop after combining rye. The oats are headed out and in the dough stage. I could direct cut and bag them but I really do not need the feed. Any chance I would be able to combine them? Most likely they would have a low test weight but would go good in my calf ration and I could also feed some to my momma cows. I am in southwest WI and the weather is warm and dry for 2 more weeks. The field is starting to turn color so I need to make a decision soon. Do you think they will continue to dry down or quit when cooler weather and shorter days happen? They are standing good so I could just combine the heads and leave the rest for soil builder.
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