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Rejuvenating an alfalfa stand thoughts?
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Posted 10/3/2024 16:26 (#10913840 - in reply to #10913496)
Subject: delete me please

SE Manitoba
Fam-farm - 10/3/2024 10:26

I was going to drill rye into a 4 yr old stand in hopes of getting a new field started next year possibly. I’ve done a few passes in the past and it looked like good feed and added tonnage (didn’t weigh or test bales). I’m wondering if anyone has done triticale? My thought is it would have a later maturity than rye allowing the alfalfa to have more time to grow till our normal start of end of May. Getting to the last week of May, rye gets a hollow stem and really dries the ground out and feed value drops obviously. I’ve never grown triticale, but I’ve read it’s better feed with more leaf tissue so maybe it will just smother the alfalfa.

Edited by dabeegmon 10/3/2024 16:27
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