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Livestock/lambing Barn rebuild after a tornado. Ideas
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Posted 10/2/2024 15:55 (#10912665)
Subject: Livestock/lambing Barn rebuild after a tornado. Ideas

We lost a lambing barn over at my parents place and my parents house was just about destroyed as well this past September. These damn dust bowl micro burst out of nowhere SUCK! 3rd one in my lifetime. What I wouldn’t do for some trees or alittle rain. Looking for advice on a new barn. We had a morton 40x175 pole barn there with 6’ fold out windows every 12’. Build in the 90s. It was okay but could be improved. Pneumonia was always a battle with it, even with exhaust fans.

We use it to lamb in obviously but it’s equipment storage 10 months out of the year. Iv recently liked the idea of these open face livestock barns Iv seen in the Midwest. I’m worried our wind would take one look at that and just chuckle. I would assume they would be alittle cheaper with only having 3 sides?? Would a guy be better of to have a regular pole barn but with a curtain? How does the curtain stand with wind? I’d hate to build a livestock specific barn and have them in it for 60 days BUT their health is 1000% more important to me than storing equipment. Hail is an issue here tho. I think what we had with 4 enclosed wall with exhaust fans worked but it could have been better. We get maybe 12 inches of snow here in Colorado these days. But just a lot of wind.

I do have calls in to Morton, Astro and BoCo currently. Nobody is to motivated

Edited by A&M 10/2/2024 18:10

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