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Iran unleashing ballistic missiles onto Israel, puts the Administration
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Posted 10/2/2024 10:31 (#10912395 - in reply to #10912376)
Subject: RE: Iran unleashing ballistic missiles onto Israel, puts the Administration

w1891 - 10/2/2024 10:10

There isn’t a US military leader that would back that plan. Iran is whole different ballgame vs Iraq or Afghanistan. Take the worst part of Iraq(military hardware) and the terrain of Afghanistan and then quadruple it.

An invasion of Iran would be like Vietnam on steroids. The US with all of its capabilities doesn’t have enough “force” to put Iran in its place.

Edit: in sheer size Iran is almost 4 times bigger than Iraq and more than 1.5 times as big as Afghanistan with a whole lot more military hardware than anything in Afghanistan. We sort of played on the right side of religion in Afghanistan, but the US would open up a hornets nest going into Iran. Better to have a economically crippled Iran ripe for covert opps than make them any more of a martyr than half of the Islam followers already believe.

Here comes the knee pads for the usda and this administration I'm so glad my tax dollars are going for this waste of flesh working now he a national defense expert

Edited by BeerBudgetFarms 10/2/2024 10:33
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