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Posted 10/1/2024 20:32 (#10911663 - in reply to #10911062)
Subject: RE: Chrome

I have had some of those Hereford cows with 2 bad quarters and they raise a calf. But how much better would the calf be with twice the milk.

I was raised with the thinking a Hereford cow was as good as it got. So I still have a soft spot for a Hereford cows. But I cannot walk away from the extra money for a black one. I also had a number of Hereford bulls that did not preform as they should of. With so many more Angus bulls to pick from, much easier to find a nice black bull. My son has been picking the bulls for 10 years and he cannot help himself and still brings a Hereford home time to time.

Because of foothill abortion, anaplasmosis, and dry country cows need to acclimatize to we raise all out own heifers for cows. Most are black baldies, but still a few that look Hereford even if the red comes from a black bull that throws lots of red calves.

But if we do our part and fall calve on dry grass and have 60 days on the calves before our grass takes off in winter ( our wet can start Oct to Dec, and stays green until April or May most years) we done not get the bad bags. But one that calves in March look out.

Raise the kind/ color you like, I raise the color and kind I want.
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