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Update from Integra yield readout below
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Posted 10/1/2024 07:14 (#10910928 - in reply to #10909854)
Subject: RE: Update from Integra yield readout below

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
I agree that sometimes "starting over" magically cures a problem.

Concerning the legend range. 1) it appears to default to automatic range when starting a new field. 2) it can be changed if desired as I suggested 3) it isn't that difficult to do and in the past I would set a fixed legend that was always used with a particular crop. That way "light green" for example means the same range on every soybean field.

After I made the suggestion the other day I noticed that my legend was set to default and settled down to a reasonable range after a round or two. In other words, I have not found it necessary to follow my own suggestion.

As far as the "start high and work down" instant reading, it appears mine starts at about 150% of the current average and works down as necessary to show the actual correct instantaneous reading at the start of a new pass when the combine has run empty.
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