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Ag Leader data upload showing 800bu beans!
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Posted 9/30/2024 21:18 (#10910570)
Subject: Ag Leader data upload showing 800bu beans!

Went to upload our few acres of beans we started on today and it's showing 800bu!

As much as I'd love that to be true it's likely 75ish like the Incommand 1200 was showing in the combine.

Anyone know why it would show one thing in the combine and upload so differently?
We've uploaded agleader data to Op Center many times before.
This is the first year we're missing the planted varieties in the Incommand but not sure why that would change the data so drastically.

maybe it's under lb/ac instead of bu/ac in the montitor? or some other setting that would make it so off? Likely 900bu instead of 100,000bu

(800 bu ac (full).jpg)

Attachments 800 bu ac (full).jpg (54KB - 43 downloads)
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