I was confirmed in the old American Lutheran Church before they merged to form the ELCA. We had once a week for two years but memorizing Luthers small Catechism was all that hard. My kids were all confirmed in the Reformed Church in the United States, which has a horrible confirmation process. They were expected to memorize 140 pages of the Heidelberg Catechism and actually felt sorry for them, spending that much time trying to memorize that much in two years and expecting to know it all by heart during the examination. My two boys have both left the RCUS but my daughter still attends. She says memorizing the catechism was a waste of time. I switched churches and left the RCUS 8 years ago and I love to tell my daughter that as a Baptist, 2 minutes getting baptized by immersion is better than 2 years memorizing the Heidelberg Catechism. Baptists don't do confirmation. |