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How much can you pull on a 2 7/8 pipe?
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Posted 9/28/2024 15:49 (#10907793)
Subject: How much can you pull on a 2 7/8 pipe?

i rented a pasture from a neighbor. it had a trash 50 year old fence, hasnt had cows on it in 30 years. guys not old and he wont ever sell. Rent is bottom of what stuff goes for but i have to build fence.

i called in a favor from a friend with a dozer and he cleared the fence lines.

I want to put in a hot wire with a ground below it. if i just have 2 7/8 pipe driven 5' in the ground. can i stretch a hot wire waist high and a ground wire below it about 6"? that would be easy and cheap and works great for me. wires dont have to be guitar tight, but tight enough deer hitting it doesnt wrap them up. its good heavy black dirt with small rocks in it longest run is about 1/4 mile down one edge. its L shaped and would have a gate in the other long side i would have to put a kicker on the gate post or an H.
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