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Coffee aficionados
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John Burns
Posted 9/24/2024 22:34 (#10903607 - in reply to #10903400)
Subject: RE: Coffee aficionados

Pittsburg, Kansas

I bet that with the chocolate ice cream would taste good!

Our standard at home is we make a double shot, then split it in half for each of our cups, then add hot water to make a large cup of coffee out of it (almost two cups of restaurant size coffee cup - we drink it pretty weak). We have a double boiler machine so lots of steam so we can make the different stuff with cream in it if we want to but mostly don't.

First thing in the morning wife has a special mix made up of collagen, gelatin, some electrolytes, a few drops of Lugols iodine, a half teaspoon of allulose and cocoa powder that we put in the first morning cup then use the steam wand to mix it up. The collagen just makes it a little smoother kind of like cream would. Wife likes the cocoa flavor. Any later in the day we just drink it black.

Edited by John Burns 9/24/2024 22:36
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