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Integra Yield Readout
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Posted 9/23/2024 09:08 (#10901429 - in reply to #10901393)
Subject: RE: Integra Yield Readout

East Central, Nebraska
thats an interesting one. any time that someone asks my opinion on yield monitor problems i first ask if they dumped the calibration loads into a truck that went across a certified scale, if they say yes we continue on if they say no i say to call me after you have went across a certified scale with the calibration weights. seed dealer weigh wagons and auger wagon scales are a poor way to calibrate.

your problem may or may not be affected by a poor calibration but a good starting point is to check your calibration with a good scale weight and start from there. your problem almost sounds like a crop is set wrong or maybe the 'c values' were screwy from the start. might check your initial calibration numbers with this and calibrate again. keep in mind just because you did a vibration calibration doesn't mean it worked. might dive into it a little deeper and try a new calibration.

it almost seems as if it wasnt recording when you were running and when you lifted the head it tried to shove all those bushels into 0 acres. is it counting acres properly? lots of things it could be really. if you weigh a load and it is correct it almost has to be a header width/acre counter issue. if the acres are correct then its almost like it is counting way more bushels when the header is lifted and swath is off which would throw the actual load total off and be a bad vibration calibration.
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