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Using NH3 Guidance Lines for Planting
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Posted 9/22/2024 11:26 (#10900142 - in reply to #10899734)
Subject: RE: Using NH3 Guidance Lines for Planting

A-B Nh3 where we can. Hills here but planters will tend fallow and stay in the soft ground... Most of ours is spring applied 1-4 weeks prior... We are tying up the NH3 with 10-34-0/ATS liquid in dual app... Never had any emergance issues. Contours are ok but need RTK.. Terraces are tricky, so there we just let it it kinda flyon its own. But i have seen the planter dogwalk staying in the soft ground... So I does work... Pulling 13 knife dual/app and planting 12 & 24... Think guys get too critical zone fertilizer and rows close is just fine...
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