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burger joints rated for healthiness
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Mrs B
Posted 9/19/2024 20:48 (#10896965 - in reply to #10895867)
Subject: RE: burger joints rated for healthiness

Highland Center, in Southeast Iowa

Boone & Crockett - 9/19/2024 06:24
Clay SEIA - 9/18/2024 21:08

Yeah, well, screw them and their ideas of unhealthy. I’m sitting at my local pub having a handcrafted half pounder, ground fresh by our grocer in the next small town over.

Clay, what’s the name of that Bar&grill? Looks absolutely scrumptious. Bought a farm between Eddyville and Blakseburg and will be spending considerable time down there this fall hunting. So far been going into ottumwa for meals and place to spend the night.

An option for you to try in that area is Melody's Kitchen in greater downtown Eddyville, north side on the main drag. You will not leave hungry. Known far and wide for their tenderloins. Daily specials.........we order one and split it, Melody can't stand to think that somebody might be hungry, serving sizes are very large. 

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