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Air Fryer
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John Burns
Posted 9/14/2024 09:34 (#10889925 - in reply to #10889895)
Subject: RE: Air Fryer

Pittsburg, Kansas

That is the way with my wife. Hardly uses the main stove oven any more. She had a small toaster oven she used the heck out of for many years that we gave our son and now she has this one with a lot more settings and features. She uses it almost daily when we are at home. Has an Air Fry setting I see. We also have Instant Pot with air fry setting but I think she uses this toaster oven for things like that. She uses the Instant Pot for a lot of other stuff. I don't know much about it. I am more on the consumption end of the equation and let her do the cooking part.

Seems the size is just about right for her cooking for just the two of us.

Edited by John Burns 9/14/2024 09:44

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