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Biden administration SAF.. out over their ski's
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Baby Robin
Posted 5/15/2024 21:59 (#10741264 - in reply to #10741116)
Subject: RE: Biden administration SAF.. out over their ski's

Fontanelle, IA
SodbusterIII - 5/15/2024 19:24

1) why would the average driver in the cities care whether a oil corporation or farm corporation makes money of them , answer they don't they only know they are forced by the government to use ethanol.

gas needed oxygenates to achieve more complete combustion burn to get more CO2 produced vs. CO carbon monoxide. Major EAST and WEST coast cities needed to cut down on their SMOG issues / hard to breathe smoggy air hence the need for oxygenates..... Ethanol was the cheapest oxygenate on the market that wasn't an "ether" of some sort that could pollute air, water, and cause cancer. Well, beverage ethanol can cause liver cancer if you drink it like a fish and methanol just makes you blind.....

2) but diversifying some fuel to Electricty is bad!

3) NG use, but wait don't we use NG in creating electricity?

4)By nasty tailpipe emissions you are talking to greenhouse gases, by greenhouse gases you are carbon emissions yet everybody on this site tells everyone carbon is food not pollution.

Carbon monoxide vs. Carbon dioxide. Dirty air also includes NOx and SOx

Using off peak charging is cheaper than running gas engines

So again looking for the reasons.
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