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new holland ls 160 EIC problems and no start
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[email protected].
Posted 5/11/2024 16:11 (#10736952)
Subject: new holland ls 160 EIC problems and no start

LS 160 had dead battery. No EIC lights and no response when turning key. Tried charging battery and would not take a charge. Disconnected battery but could not remove from engine because Icould not raise the loader arms. Connected fully charged new battery to terminals with a battery jumper cable. Sit in the operators seat and still no fully lit EIC panel. Would get the fuel level to illuminate and the info panel that displays to voltage number or the fact that the hydraulic fluid is cold etc. When turning the starter would get a constant beep in the run and Aux modes. The unit did start in the safe mode but the continuous beep was present as it was running and did not shut off. Anyone know what's up?? Thamnks Rick R.
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